My Wardrobe, Myself

The intersection of clothing, emotions, and life

In my last post, I wrote about the new approach I’ve adopted for getting dressed, which is that I will no longer wear something if it makes me feel either physically or emotionally uncomfortable. This runs counter to my previous approach of trying to wear everything in my closet, which often resulted in my not …

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I’ve had a rough couple of weeks dealing with some personal challenges, so my “best laid plans” to post sooner didn’t come to fruition (thankfully, things are much better now). But I’ve been thinking a lot about my wardrobe following my last few posts, and I have some more thoughts that I’d like to share …

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I’ve written quite a bit about the frustrating buy-and-return cycle that I often go through, especially when it comes to online shopping. Usually when I return an item, the most common reasons are that the fit was off or the website description wasn’t accurate. I usually don’t like the items that I’m taking back, so …

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I frequently reorganize my closet in an effort to better understand and utilize the pieces I own. For a long time, I just organized everything in a standard fashion: by garment type and then by color. However, I’ve found that making periodic “tweaks” to this arrangement can make it easier for me to get dressed …

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Happy New Year to my wonderful readers! I hope that 2022 is off to a great start for you, and I really hope this will be a better year for the world. I’m in the midst of a series of 2021 recap posts, which began with my last essay on my best at-home purchases from …

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